Monday, July 18, 2011

Typical Day (with kids)

This is a couple of pages from an old journal I kept in 1998. Not very well written and a little hard to follow, but I think it captures a typical day with school age kids. My oldest was in middle school, two middle ones were in elementary school and the youngest was in preschool, always running to take kids to school or pick them up!
This is an actual journal, all events are true and the kids are real but their names have been changed to protect their privacy:
B – age 13
K – age 11
E - age 8
C –age 4

Thursday 9/24/1998
A.M. Make lunch, K won't take medicine - won't eat lunch. C whining about clothes, E refusing to go to school. Off to school, whew! {Home} Return call from S D about candlelight vigil plans. Run to pick up B at school, take to Dr. orthodontist. Take B back-to-school, (stop at DQ for blizzard). Home - make lunch for C. Off to keep preschool to work, don't work since switched yesterday. J S picks C up {for preschool}. Clean our bathroom – (a little), do laundry- (our underwear, shirts). Mop kitchen floor. Off to store to pick up a few things (DW detergent, butter, etc). Run into L G at the store- update about E so no time to shop.
P.M Pickup C and M S {from preschool}, take M home. C won't get off bike to leave, rush back home, miss meeting the bus. {Home} Sit down. Tell B to do homework, to empty the dishwasher. E eats her lunch since she didn't at school. Read 50 papers from school, Thursday folders. K has a tummy ache. Ask B to do homework and empty the dishwasher. Finish dinner, cut potatoes for corned beef and cabbage. Call from Dad and Mom – B called yesterday to get magazine orders from them, everything fine. Feed the kids. Send C and K to shower. Ask B to do homework and empty the dishwasher. Watch baseball. Send K to bed since he has a tummy ache, (hope it's not e-coli from the fair yesterday, three cases on the news). Ask B if he did his homework, the dishwasher is half empty. B {comes} home {from work} at nine o'clock, E. to bed at 9:45. Kids mostly in bed at 10, too late! Finish watching a movie at 11, to bed.
Friday 9/25/98
A.M. – Make lunch {for school} – no bread. Ask B if he did his homework - "yes". Ask B about spelling words. Couldn't find paper - so didn't do. I put paper on the desk so it's my fault. Fight about not leaving papers on the dining room table – put them away. He tells me to leave his stuff alone. Get E's clothes. {take B to school} Fight all the way to school. {Home} K dizzy, stomachache, lying on the couch. E wants to study spelling, gets mad. I call C J - Keith is sick, don't know about school, so don’t pick up. C wants help with his clothes. E crying about spelling, hates school. K lying on the stairs - dizzy, can't walk, won't get up. Take E to school, crying mad. Sit at the front of school while she cries. Get out, walk her to class, she cries. Mrs. P {teacher} brings her in, she cries. I leave, left my keys in the car, lucky not locked in. Home, clean up kitchen mess, put laundry in, more shirts, check e-mail.
{Note: The journal entry ends abruptly, don't remember what happened next, probably had to take K to the emergency room to make sure he didn't have e-coli!}

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