This is an actual journal, all events are true and the kids are real but their names have been changed to protect their privacy:
B – age 13
K – age 11
E - age 8
C –age 4

Thursday 9/24/1998
A.M. Make lunch, K won't take medicine - won't eat lunch. C whining about clothes, E refusing to go to school. Off to school, whew! {Home} Return call from S D about candlelight vigil plans. Run to pick up B at school, take to Dr. orthodontist. Take B back-to-school, (stop at DQ for blizzard). Home - make lunch for C. Off to keep preschool to work, don't work since switched yesterday. J S picks C up {for preschool}. Clean our bathroom – (a little), do laundry- (our underwear, shirts). Mop kitchen floor. Off to store to pick up a few things (DW detergent, butter, etc). Run into L G at the store- update about E so no time to shop.
P.M Pickup C and M S {from preschool}, take M home. C won't get off bike to leave, rush back home, miss meeting the bus. {Home} Sit down. Tell B to do homework, to empty the dishwasher. E eats her lunch since she didn't at school. Read 50 papers from school, Thursday folders. K has a tummy ache. Ask B to do homework and empty the dishwasher. Finish dinner, cut potatoes for corned beef and cabbage. Call from Dad and Mom – B called yesterday to get magazine orders from them, everything fine. Feed the kids. Send C and K to shower. Ask B to do homework and empty the dishwasher. Watch baseball. Send K to bed since he has a tummy ache, (hope it's not e-coli from the fair yesterday, three cases on the news). Ask B if he did his homework, the dishwasher is half empty. B {comes} home {from work} at nine o'clock, E. to bed at 9:45. Kids mostly in bed at 10, too late! Finish watching a movie at 11, to bed.
Friday 9/25/98
A.M. – Make lunch {for school} – no bread. Ask B if he did his homework - "yes". Ask B about spelling words. Couldn't find paper - so didn't do. I put paper on the desk so it's my fault. Fight about not leaving papers on the dining room table – put them away. He tells me to leave his stuff alone. Get E's clothes. {take B to school} Fight all the way to school. {Home} K dizzy, stomachache, lying on the couch. E wants to study spelling, gets mad. I call C J - Keith is sick, don't know about school, so don’t pick up. C wants help with his clothes. E crying about spelling, hates school. K lying on the stairs - dizzy, can't walk, won't get up. Take E to school, crying mad. Sit at the front of school while she cries. Get out, walk her to class, she cries. Mrs. P {teacher} brings her in, she cries. I leave, left my keys in the car, lucky not locked in. Home, clean up kitchen mess, put laundry in, more shirts, check e-mail.
{Note: The journal entry ends abruptly, don't remember what happened next, probably had to take K to the emergency room to make sure he didn't have e-coli!}
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